Episode 15: Know Your Customer — Drive Real Performance Marketing

Join Dots Oyebolu as he speaks with Rand Fishkin, Co-Founder and CEO of SparkToro.

It's time for marketers to change their mindsets from being typical marketers to growth marketers focused on revenue.

There are hundreds of touch points for learning about specific customer journeys and being able to properly satisfy their needs at scale. Still, not enough brands take advantage of that data yet.

Today, Rand discusses the many ways marketers can get a holistic view of their target audience. He also covers the KPIs that actually make a difference in growing an audience.

Highlights include:

- What does the future of SEO look like a decade from now?

- Dispelling the common misconception that companies start markets.

- How to deeply understand a problem space in your market.

- Some of the most important KPIs when it comes to customer research.

- How marketers should approach customer research when determining lifetime customer value.

Insightful Links:

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